Lower School Washington Montessori School
New Preston, Connecticut

Getting Started

Explore the nurturing environment and innovative curriculum at our Lower School program.

A 3-year program for 3- to 6-year-old students, our Lower School encourages children to find joy in work and learning as a foundation for mastering essential lifelong skills, habits and attitudes — both academic and practical. Developmentally, children this age have an intense desire for physical independence and thrive on opportunities to assert it.

Lower School classrooms are specially designed for the children who use them — chairs, tables, and shelves are sized proportionately, allowing students the freedom to explore the environment. The classrooms also feature tactile and visually-appealing materials that naturally engage children in learning, which cultivates internal motivation and self-esteem. Each Lower School class operates as a community, which helps children learn the art of living in a world beyond home. The continuity of the three-year cycle allows students to experience different roles, responsibilities and perspectives.

Lower School Program Goals

Lower School School Day

Young Children's Community - Program Goals

The LS school day is designed to cultivate independence in our 3- to 6-year-old students as well as to foster their role as members of a community. The morning includes an uninterrupted work cycle — a fundamental aspect of Montessori education — which allows students the freedom to move about the prepared classroom environments, to interact with peers and to discover and choose work that interests them. Teachers spend this time carefully observing students, assessing their needs and gauging their readiness for new lessons and materials. There is time for individual or small-group lessons as well as time for class discussions and community meetings, fostering an atmosphere of mutual respect and cooperation, helping children learn the art of living in a world beyond home.

In order to best suit the needs of our students and their families, Lower School enrollment options include a choice between half days (8:45 to 11:45 AM) and full days (8:45 AM—3 PM). A variety of Extended Day options are also available for LS students before and after the regular school day to accommodate our families’ various childcare needs.

Regular School Day

Drop-Off at 8:45 AM

The LS school day begins each morning at 8:45 a.m. with the teacher welcoming each student into the classroom. Students say their goodbyes at the door, enter on their own, and take care of their belongings—from taking off and hanging coats to putting away lunch boxes. It is our tradition to welcome LS students who have older siblings at WMS into the classroom at 8:30 a.m.

Once their things are put away, LS students enjoy the opportunity to explore the classroom and choose work that interests them. Students also spend this time engaging in one-on-one or small group lessons with the teacher.

All Lower School classes enjoy recess together outside on the Lower School playground as long as the weather is suitable.

After recess, half-day children are dismissed from their classroom door following the same procedures as at drop-off — gathering their things independently before joining their parents/caregivers in the hall.

Wednesdays are always half-days for Lower School students, but there is an extended day option (WRAP) available as an alternative.

On full days, Lower School students begin preparing for lunch around noon. Lower School classes enjoy lunch in their classrooms. Half-day students are also always welcome to stay for lunchtime and have a 12:30 p.m. dismissal.

After lunch, Lower School students have another work cycle as well as specials in music and physical education.

Full-day Lower School students are dismissed from their classroom door at 3 p.m. following the same procedures as at drop-off.

Extended Day Options

Morning Care 7:45—8:45 AM

Once LS students have completed their phase-in cycle and are comfortable with their transition to school, they may be enrolled in Morning Care, which is available Mondays through Fridays regularly and on an as-needed basis if there is space.

Once LS students have completed their phase-in cycle, they may be enrolled in After Care, which is available Mondays through Fridays regularly and on an as-needed basis (if there is space).

A variety of enrichment courses are offered throughout the year for Lower School students. Enrichment fees vary.

Have Questions?

Fill out a form and Laura Martin, Assistant Head for Enrollment will be in touch.

Visit Our School

Schedule an in-person tour to discover the unique charm of Washington Montessori School.

Submit an Application

Get the process started and monitor your progress using our simple online application tool.

Lower School Signature Experiences

Lower School Special Class

Giving students a well-rounded education beginning at an early age is an important part of the WMS program. At Washington Montessori School, students as young as Lower School participate in a variety of specials classes. While our classrooms invite opportunity for music and gross motor movement on a daily basis, we believe that the opportunity to explore these areas in greater depth with dedicated faculty enhances children’s experiences.

The WMS annual Auction: Celebrating 60 years

The WMS Annual auction is a wonderful opportunity to gather with fellow members of our community in support of our school.

We hope you can join us in celebration of our “Diamond” anniversary honoring
our legacy, our children, our community, and our bright future.