Lower Elementary Washington Montessori School
New Preston, Connecticut

Getting Started

Explore the vibrant and collaborative learning environment of our Lower Elementary program.

The Elementary years signify stable physical growth and heightened curiosity. Dr. Montessori dubs these the “years of plenty” for children due to their mental capabilities. Lower Elementary students ages 6 to 9 follow a 3-year cycle, combining rigorous academics with enriching activities, mirroring the real world. Like adults, students learn to balance work time and free time, socialize, and tackle challenges to build on their strengths.

In the Lower Elementary classroom, the prepared environment promotes movement, freedom, and choice in class tasks. Children can decide where, when, and with whom their work gets done. This period fosters vital social bonds among children and emphasizes fairness and justice. Our Lower Elementary program focuses on teaching lifelong skills for nurturing positive relationships.

Lower Elementary Program Goals

Lower Elementary School Day

Lower Elementary - School Day

The core of the Lower Elementary day is an uninterrupted work cycle. This time dedicated to learning lets students select and immerse themselves in tasks. Mornings involve circle time and announcements, but most time is dedicated to self-paced independent work, letting children handle tasks and responsibilities at their own speed without feeling the pressure to work faster or slow down.

Lower El students have regular assignments, yet plenty of chances for self-directed pursuits like creative writing, math exploration, or science research. Lessons vary—whole-class, small groups, and one-on-one—mostly in the classroom but sometimes outdoors or in other spaces for added movement.

Formal tests are absent from the Lower Elementary, but weekly spelling quizzes and regular reading evaluations allow us to target learning to each child’s needs. Continuous academic assessments happen through daily observation and interaction. Teachers closely monitor children during work, lessons, and individual sessions. This deep understanding helps educators to tailor our support of children and fosters individual progress.

Regular School Day

Drop-Off between 8:20 and 8:30 AM

Lower Elementary classrooms open at 8:20 a.m. to allow students time to unpack their things and get ready for the school day, which begins at 8:30 a.m.

Integral to the LE school day is the uninterrupted work cycle, during which students have the freedom to engage in sustained, focused work without interruption.

All three Lower Elementary classes break at noon to enjoy lunch in their respective classrooms. Lunch is followed by recess on the Elementary Playground for all LE students. Both recess and lunch are held outside unless the weather is unsuitable.

After recess, Lower Els return to the classroom for work and specials. While art, movement and music are integrated into the daily life of our Lower Elementary program, students at this level also have the opportunity to explore these areas in greater depth with dedicated faculty throughout the week. Spanish is also taught as a special class.

Extended Day Options

Morning Care 7:45—8:20 AM

Once LE students have completed their phase-in cycle and are comfortable with their transition to school, they may be enrolled in Morning Care, which is available Mondays through Fridays regularly and on an as-needed basis if there is space.

Once LE students have completed their phase-in cycle, they may be enrolled in Afternoon Care, which is available Mondays through Fridays regularly and on an as-needed basis if there is space.

A variety of enrichment courses are offered throughout the year for Lower Elementary students. Enrichment fees vary.

Have Questions?

Fill out a form and Laura Martin, Assistant Head for Enrollment will be in touch.

Visit Our School

Schedule an in-person tour to discover the unique charm of Washington Montessori School.

Submit an Application

Get the process started and monitor your progress using our simple online application tool.

Lower Elementary Signature Experiences

Lower Elementary Special Class

While art, movement and music are integrated into the daily life of our Lower Elementary program, students at this level also have the opportunity to explore these areas in greater depth with dedicated faculty throughout the school day.

The WMS annual Auction: Celebrating 60 years

The WMS Annual auction is a wonderful opportunity to gather with fellow members of our community in support of our school.

We hope you can join us in celebration of our “Diamond” anniversary honoring
our legacy, our children, our community, and our bright future.