Parents’ AssociationWashington Montessori School
New Preston, Connecticut

WMS families have incredible strengths, skills, talents, and passions. The Parents’ Association (PA) seeks to provide meaningful ways for all families to be engaged in supporting our students collectively and collaboratively.

While all members of the parent body are automatically part of the PA, the committee chairs collaborate with the school and the greater body of parents to bring us together. Being involved is a tenet of our culture and there is no set way to do it. Whether you attend an event or help plan one, every time you participate, you model positive action, which helps the students of WMS understand how to make a bigger impact in the world.

WMS PA Mission Statement

The mission of the WMS PA is, in partnership with the Ambassadors, to help build and strengthen the greater WMS community by engaging and connecting new and current parents and supporting school events, staff, and students. 

We serve:

  • Faculty: by providing parent involvement and support
  • Students: by creating opportunities for socializing and fostering opportunities for community service
  • Parents: by providing easy and ample opportunities for direct involvement in the school community

Parents’ Association Committees

Community Culture

Our school culture is rich with traditions in which parents and extended families play a vital role. Acting as a communication liaison between volunteers and the school, the Community Culture Chair engages the community to encourage and promote participation in all aspects of our school. Whether you have limited availability or whether you can give more time, there are numerous volunteer opportunities. The Community Culture Chair is there to answer your questions, connect you with other parents, and help you choose how you want to be a part of our community.

Community Events

The Community and Events Committee creates and holds events that deepen our relationships in and out of the school. This includes planning stay-and-plays, hikes, and casual get-togethers. This is a great way for people who want to give their time to contribute: From organizing a hike after drop off to picking up watermelon for field day, there are ways to get involved that will meet any volunteer’s schedule.

Coffee Cart

The morning Coffee Cart is the best way to meet other parents and school staff. You don’t have to be a coffee expert to participate, and we encourage all parents to stop by when they have time to socialize. This responsibility runs from 8 – 9:30 a.m. one day a week, or one morning on occasion as a sub to run the cart on a rotating basis. Baristas set up, make coffee, engage with parents, and clean up.

Prospective parents are also invited to attend Coffee Cart as a way to meet current parents, ask questions, and get a sense of our school’s vibrant community. You’re welcome to join us anytime!

2024-2025 Coffee Cart Baristas






Kelli Patterson
Melissa Castonguay and Jennifer Finch
Kelly Opdyke
Ania Hubbard and Lisa Clark
Adam Gregory and Melissa Castonguay

Community Impact

The Community Impact committee organizes community service projects, including Food Bank Friday, a weekly initiative to help fill the shelves of local food banks with nutritious food. This committee also organizes occasional initiatives like the winter coat drive, a holiday giving tree, and sandwich-making for the Dorothy Day Hospitality House. Volunteers can join this group on a project-by-project basis.

Staff Appreciation and Classroom Support

The Staff Appreciation Committee organizes ways to support and say thank you to teachers. This may involve a note-writing drive, a catered or home-cooked meal, small gifts, or anything else that the volunteers plan. This committee plans simple snacks for staff meetings and back-to-school and end-of-year faculty meetings. Many Montessori materials are handmade. Maps need to be colored, botany cards need to be laminated and cut out, and so much more. Classroom support is a relaxing way to help WMS in a way that directly impacts students and teachers. It’s also a wonderful opportunity to get to know other parents. From baking a batch of cookies to planning gifts for the entire staff, there are ways to get involved that will meet any volunteer’s schedule.

Development & Fundraising Events

This committee works with the school’s Director of Development and our Auction Coordinator to help raise money for our school. Fundraising not only allows us to strategically advance our school, but it also ensures that the makeup of our student body is diverse and inclusive. Key programs include the Annual Fund, a live auction, the Polar Plunge event, and raffles to benefit the WMS Community Partnership Program (CPP) and special events like WMS Presents and parent-hosted gatherings.

This is our largest group of volunteers and a fun way to meet other families. From graphic design and copywriting to running a quick errand the opportunities to volunteer are vast and year-round.

Get Involved in the WMS PA

Whether you only have a few minutes to volunteer or are eager to take on a leadership position, there are many ways to get involved in the WMS PA. 

If you have any questions about the PA or the current volunteer opportunities, please feel free to reach out to PA Co-Chair, Megan Sokolnicki.

WMS Parent Ambassadors

The mission of the WMS Ambassadors is, in partnership with the PA, to help build and strengthen the WMS community by welcoming, engaging, connecting, nurturing and educating both new and current parents.

The WMS annual Auction: Celebrating 60 years

The WMS Annual auction is a wonderful opportunity to gather with fellow members of our community in support of our school.

We hope you can join us in celebration of our “Diamond” anniversary honoring
our legacy, our children, our community, and our bright future.