Our TrusteesWashington Montessori School
New Preston, Connecticut

The Board of Trustees is the governing body of Washington Montessori School and the guardian of the school’s mission. The Board accepts accountability for both the financial stability and the financial future of the School by engaging in strategic financial planning, overseeing operating budgets, and participating actively in fundraising. The Board meets frequently throughout the course of the school year, and its members serve staggered terms.

New and returning Trustees are elected by Members at the Annual Meeting. Parents and guardians of children currently enrolled in the school are considered by the Bylaws to be the sole defined “Members” of the School, and Members are the only persons who are entitled to vote for Trustees. The WMS Bylaws provide that there shall be at least 11 and not more than 20 Trustees. Of these, a majority of the Trustees must be current parents or guardians, and at least one shall not be a current parent or guardian. Under the Bylaws, the Head of School also serves as a voting ex-officio member of the Board of Trustees.

2024-25 Board Members

Jeremy LaCasse

Lily Binns-Berkey ’95
Vice Chair

John Celebi

Helen Shu

Briana Ball

YuJung Kim Chaplin

Sunday Fisher

Brieanne Hill

Julia Kivitz ’97

Caroline Klein

Kelly Opdyke

Fletcher Previn

Launa Schweizer
Head of School, ex officio

Jamie Spannhake

Matthew Woodhall

Pat Werner
Head of School Emeritus

Elvira Charles
Trustee Emeritus

The WMS annual Auction: Celebrating 60 years

The WMS Annual auction is a wonderful opportunity to gather with fellow members of our community in support of our school.

We hope you can join us in celebration of our “Diamond” anniversary honoring
our legacy, our children, our community, and our bright future.